Video Lessons for O Level Physics
At Calvin Kong Physics Tuition, we want to provide long lasting and effective solutions to the most common problems faced by students.
The Foundation Problem:
Students with poor foundation are often stuck at a certain level and find it hard to get a break through. Some may resort to rote learning and memorising. Little or no progress are shown through the stagnant grades.
The Content Recall Problem
Even when students had grasped the foundational concepts, they need to practice regularly to internalise. Given a hectic school routine, they may not have the time for that and the foundation may erode over time.
The Solution
Our Foundational Concept Lesson Videos allow students to refresh their basics anytime and anywhere. This will prepare students to be engaged with application and higher order thinking problems in some of our intensive classes e.g. examination preparation and crash couses. A more effective teaching and learning can then take place with fruitful results.
We have broken down each chapter into different Focus Videos that are:
20- 30 minutes max each
Effective for quick revision
Concise, well-explained and time-saving
Foundational Concept Videos are for our students only.
Students who join our classes can choose to subscribe to the videos for any past topics that they missed with a fee.
Moving forward, all videos will be free of charge for as long as the student is with the centre.
Contact us at 82465685 to find out more!
Click on the following buttons to register.
“As every learner is unique, an effective curriculum is one that differentiates teaching to cater to the broad spectrum of students, monitors their progress closely, and provides timely feedback.”