Testimonials - Page 2 of 4
Damai Secondary School
Edgefield Secondary School
Evergreen Secondary School
Fairfield Methodist Secondary School
Fuchun Secondary School
Fuhua Secondary School
Gan Eng Seng School
Geylang Methodist Secondary School
Hai Sing Catholic School
Hillgrove Secondary School
Hong Kah Secondary School
Hua Yi Secondary School
Hwa Chong Institution
Jurong Secondary School
Juying Secondary School
Kent Ridge Secondary School
Kranji Secondary School
Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School
“Concept First’s Physics lessons are very engaging. This is not only because the tutors can explain the difficult concepts clearly, but also make Physics comes alive and relatable to real life. The notes prepared are very comprehensive and clear. Through the work, one can definitely see their effort and passion for teaching. In addition, Mr Kong is a very helpful and optimistic person. He can really work well with us students. He truly inspires us to make us want to work hard for our future. Thank you, Concept First.”
“Attending Concept First’s lessons have made me realise that Physics could be manageable for me. I started understanding the topics more by doing the weekly set questions (which were slightly harder than the ones set by schools). The notes are very concise and easy to refer to. Although I attended the lessons online, it was still easy to understand the teaching with the detailed explanations and working.”
“Mr Calvin Kong is a very dedicated and patient tutor who can teach complicated concepts in a very simple way such that his students can comprehend them. He puts in a lot of effort in creating his lesson materials. Also without fail, he is always willing to stay back after lessons to patiently clarify our doubts and ensure that we fully understand the questions that we had problem tackling. Thank you, Mr Kong!”
“Mr Calvin Kong truly has a talent for teaching. Topics that completely baffled me in school are made so simple. The classes have turned the bane of my existence into my very favourite subject. A diligent student is one thing, but a good teacher is needed to direct and guide that effort, or else the student might wind up barking up the wrong tree. Mr Kong has been that teacher for me in Physics and I am very grateful. Concept First also helps me to maximise my effort and time. They give out a consolidation book in which I am guided in making notes, as well as a convenient cheat sheet to keep on hand.”
“I had a very good time at Concept First tuition. It has improved my Physics tremendously. I also learnt to apply my Physics to the real world, enabling me to understand certain concepts more accurately, and preventing me from making false or inaccurate assumptions. This has moulded me into a better student. I also like the conceptual summary notes and the 4 page description notes! They are really helpful for preparation and revision on the last day before O Levels.”
“Concept First has helped me improve my understanding of Physics, as well as made me gain an interest in it!”
“I personally liked the materials such as the summaries, as I feel that they are complete and clear. The tuition centre also allows students to study in their rooms during examination periods.”
“The materials provided by Concept First has helped me a lot in Physics, especially the 2 page summary for each chapter. My teacher’s explanations are clear and concise, allowing me to understand them easily. The lessons are also really fun and engaging.”
“Before joining Concept First, I had hated Physics with a burning passion throughout my entire Secondary 3 life. I never knew what was going on during Physics lessons. In May of Secondary 4, I decided to join Concept First as I felt like I had nothing else to lose and I was also convinced by the reviews on the website. Although I joined the centre during the circuit breaker period, it did not affect the lessons’ effectiveness and with Mr Kong’s never-ending help, I finally felt like I was understanding Physics. Not only are the notes concise and to the point, but the lessons are engaging and Mr Kong always goes the extra mile to make Physics easier to learn. The practical workshops were also quite helpful and made me feel less lost during practicals in school. Thank you to Mr Kong for making me appreciate Physics a little more!”
“The notes provided are extremely helpful and easy to understand, even for someone like me who is weak in Physics. A lot of work has been put into them to make them as beneficial as possible as well. Lessons were always enjoyable, due to Mr Kong’s jovial personality and use of different objects to demonstrate different concepts. The practical workshops were also extremely helpful at revising and going through the different methods of experimentation. Mr Kong is very patient and takes time and effort to explain things, going the extra mile to stay back after lessons to answer questions”
“Concept First’s lessons have helped to relight the flame that was my interest in Physics. It manages to make a subject which was previously boring me to being interesting. The explanations are clear and concise, allowing me to understand them easily. The resources provided for us are excellent as well, notably the two page summaries, which played a big role in my Physics revision. Through their teaching, my grades in Physics improved greatly.”
“Lessons at Concept First Tuition Centre are very informative, with great analogies for students to better grasp the topics that are rather complicated. Mr Calvin Kong is always willing to stay back after class to give students who need clarification in the lesson being taught on the day clarity and is usually very thorough in explaining. Mr Kong is also very friendly towards his students and may crack jokes to make lessons more enjoyable and less dull.”
“Concept First Physics Tuition has definitely allowed me to understand this subject much better, since all the chapters are simplified so that it does not seem so scary. It has really helped to build my foundation in Physics too.”
“Concept First’s lessons are one of the most interesting lessons that I look forward to attending. They help me with enquiries I have with Physics. I have become more confident in my concepts and answering techniques ever since I joined the tuition classes. The tutors check on our understanding by making sure everyone is alright with the concepts before proceeding. I’ll definitely recommend them to my juniors. Overall, they are an excellent tuition!”
“The class and the learning materials provided have helped me understand the subject better because of how clearly the concepts are explained. The notes and summary sheets given are also very clear and informative. Overall, Concept First’s classes have benefitted me in my understanding of Physics tremendously.”
“Mr Kong has dramatically improved not just my Physics results, but my understanding and interest for the subject. The lessons are very well thought through and very effective, tackling a sufficient and comfortable workload while still covering a substantial amount of content. The material provided is also incredibly fleshed-out and paired with his great teaching, and is sure to help improve anyone’s Physics understanding. Not only that, but Mr Kong also makes an effort to engage with his students and make lessons interesting whether be it through some magic tricks or with his many jokes! Thank you Mr Kong!”
“Mr Kong is a very systematic teacher. The two page summaries and notes have proven to be beneficial to me as I am able to understand the subject much better. I appreciate the effort put in to make the Physics classes as beneficial and fun as possible. It was a joy to be under his wing.”
“Mr Kong has been a very helpful teacher for the past year. His lessons are engaging, the notes are easy to understand and he is able to explain and break down very complicated concepts using everyday examples or simplified concepts. During lessons, Mr Kong is able to keep the class engaged and also answer questions of each individual student. Mr Kong monitors progress of each student and gives advice on how to tackle different problems. He is able to provide a very conducive learning environment. Mr Kong is very patient with his students and puts in a lot of effort into the notes and worksheets.”
“The two page summaries are a great help for concise and efficient revision. The summaries help by picking out the key point one needs to study for, and it saves me a lot of time as I don’t have to think about the important and key points when I am studying for the exam. The coloured notes are also useful for last minute revision as they are concise and neatly arranged. Thank you for helping me so much for helping me turn my most dreaded subject into one I find interesting!”
“Before I found out about Concept First Physics class, I could not understand many topics and struggled with passing this subject. Because of taking classes here, my analysis skills and fundamental knowledge have improved greatly. Thanks to Mr Kong, I was able to pull my grades up and score better for MCQ. No matter how many questions I had after class, Mr Kong was always willing to help with his great forbearance.”
“Concept First Physics Tuition has really helped me to overcome my fear of Physics. The materials provided has helped me a lot along the way of improvement in Physics. The 2 page summary for each chapter and the various detailed notes has helped improve and deepen my understanding of each chapter which further allows me to perform well in the subject. Thank you for all the help Concept First! Couldn’t have come this far without you.”
“Physics was never my strong subject. In Secondary 3, I struggled to keep up with my school teachers and could not even understand fundamental topics such as forces. As a result, I received a low grade for the End of Year exams. I was encouraged by my parents to attend the centre’s December Holiday Revision Classes as a last ditch effort to save my Physics grade before the gruelling Secondary 4 year. In those 4 sessions, with the help of the tutors and the helpful notes provided, I managed to achieve a stable foundation and could attempt difficult and challenging questions. This was a feat that I had never expected to achieve and thus, I joined the centre as a regular student. The centre has not only helped me to grasp the concepts of Physics, but also develop a liking for the subject, encouraging me to continue on in Junior College. Thanks Concept First!”
“When I first joined the centre, I was really lost regarding many of the concepts. However, through the weekly recaps of every topic and the large amount of practices and explanation provided, I was able to understand Physics much better and feel more confident about taking the Physics paper at my O Levels!”
“The two page summaries and the formula sheet provides an easier way to understand the topics and allow me to be able to revise easily.”
“Concept First Physics Tuition has helped me to reinforce my basic concepts and understanding of Physics in an easy-to-understand way. The lessons definitely helped me improve my understanding of Physics and helped me improve my results. In essence, the class is an effective supplementary lesson.”
“Mr Kong has good mastery of the subject, and his teaching style has indeed made me understand and like Physics so much more. He is one of the best Physics teachers I have met who knows how to teach the concepts effectively, not only to prepare us for our exams but also to promote critical thinking in real life. His lessons are enjoyable, and he is very helpful and approachable. Thank you!”
“I first joined Concept First for their Intensive Revision Classes after my Sec 3 exams to get a feel of the lessons. The first class had already given me a very good impression of the centre and this has never changed. I joined the classes again after my Sec 4 prelims for an extra push. I still think that the teaching style and questions are good, difficult and challenges me.”
“Ever since joining Concept First Physics tuition, I have a better understanding of the topics. Moreover, I can see improvements in my class tests and exams. Mr Kong’s teaching is easy to understand and he makes Physics way more interesting with his props and storytelling. Unlike my previous Physics tuition, Concept First provides the best materials for every student. The one page summary and answering guide saved me countless hours, instead of flipping my textbook, I can focus on studying the notes. With so many benefits, I truly recommend Concept First tuition to everyone who needs help in Physics.”
“The lessons are well-planned and great! My Physics grades managed to improve from C5 to B3. The notes are also better than my school notes as it is more detailed. Without their help, I would not have understood most of the topics in Physics. However, because they had the June Holiday revision package, which was for us to pick up the chapters that we were weak in and of our preference. This helped me to keep up with my classmates in school. I really like the teaching method! I remembered once my tutor showed us how Total Internal Reflection occurs by shining a green laser into a “diamond”. The view was spectacular.”
“Good teaching skills! My Physics results improved tremendously after attending tuition. Explanation of concepts and materials given are also very good!”
“Initially before coming to Concept First’s class I disliked Physics as it was difficult to understand and I was falling back in class. I decided to give my last shot here before giving up, and I am glad I did. Mr Kong makes learning Physics fun and I always look forward to coming to his lessons. Although my grades have been fluctuating, I can definitely feel that my understanding of Physics has improved tremendously, which I feel is more important because concept first. During lessons, Mr Kong goes at a steady pace and ensures that we students understand before moving on. He also takes time to answer my questions painstakingly. While there are some tuition centres that value profit over students, I can say that Concept First values their students more. The concise notes have played an important role in my revision and clearer than my school notes. All in all, I am glad to have found this place and learning Physics has never been more fun. Thank you Mr Kong! I hope to do you proud in Os.”
“The materials provided such as worksheets and notes are very concise, which allows me to understand the topics and helps me study better. Through the tuition lessons, I was able to understand the concepts better as he would always ensure that we understood each topic completely before moving on by showing us experiments and showing us examples to help us visualise.”
“Mr Kong is a very responsible tutor and makes the lesson very fun. He teaches Physics well such that students understand his clear explanations. He also goes through many types of questions to prepare students for exams. This has benefitted me greatly.”
“Mr Kong has good mastery of the subject and is able to deliver the content well. He also gives detailed notes and summaries for every chapter and I am able to use them for my revision. He also tells us to bring it for every lesson so that we can refer to them easily. He follows the learning outcomes of the topic closely and uses them to create the summary notes.”
“I definitely benefited greatly from Concept First’s lessons. In Sec 3, I despised Physics and had a lot of difficulty in understanding the concepts. My initial attitude towards Physics was very negative and although my grades were fairly decent for someone that puts in little effort in the subject, it wasn’t a good standpoint. Before I joined Concept First’s class, I was on the verge of giving up on Physics as I considered it a pointless subject. However, on the very first lesson, I actually had a lot of intake and understand almost the whole chapter being taught. Mr Kong’s interactive method of teaching brought a new perspective and understanding that my teachers always failed to convey to me. If it weren’t for Mr Kong, I wouldn’t have improved this much in Physics or started to take a liking to the subject. Never would I have imagined I would decide to pursue Physics in junior college! Mr Kong’s teaching methods and tips of memorisation have really been put to good use in helping me understand the concepts more, not forgetting the helpful notes that he compiles for the class. I’m sure Mr Kong has inspired many students like myself to better appreciate and understand Physics.”
“Mr Kong is an engaging and knowledgeable teacher. He explains the Physics concepts very well and in a detailed way which has helped me gain a clearer understanding of the topics. He has definitely helped me with my Physics grade and I will definitely continue to pursue Physics later on in my life!”
“Concept First’s classes have been incredibly helpful. The teachers manage to explain and break down every chapter down into a less ingeminating manner. This allows us students to maintain a more positive outlook towards the topics and to learn them effectively. The lessons are also really engaging and have helped me greatly in Physics.”
“Although I have only been in the class for the last three months, I feel that I have learnt and understood Physics more than I have the past two years. Also, I am grateful that Mr Kong always makes time after his class to answer my questions to clear my doubts, and spending a lot of effort into the notes he creates.”
“Physics was initially one of my worst subjects. After joining Mr Kong’s lessons, I had a new-found passion for Physics. His explanations were clear and concise and helped me have a greater understanding of the subject of Physics. With his help, Physics became one of my better subjects and I improved greatly. Mr Kong is also a passionate and caring teacher that always encouraged us students even though our grades were under our expectations. This encouraged me to not give up and keep pressing on.”
“As I only started in June, the only time before Os to see an improvement was prelims. Thankfully, I finally managed to pass Physics for the first time in 2 years. I really believed that Mr Kong has been effective in teaching and I trust that my Os will be significantly better. Thank you Mr Kong!”
“Mr Calvin Kong has been an amazing tutor whom I can approach when in doubt of any concepts. Amongst all the tuitions I have heard of and attended, Concept First’s lessons are the most organised and well-paced. It is never too fast to catch up nor too slow hence making one doze off. The materials created are just awesome and it allows me to grasp the concepts quickly. In all, their teachings have surely prepared me well for my O levels.”
“Mr Calvin Kong is one of the most passionate and creative tutors I have met. He is able to bring out the concepts well using different methods of teaching to strengthen my Physics concepts. Most importantly, he is one of the most approachable, understanding person whom you can ask questions when in doubt. After attending his lessons, I gained more confidence and saw improvement in the subject which I initially lost hope in.”
“Mr Kong is an approachable tutor who allows students to ask him questions beyond class time. The materials prepared allowed me to have greater confidence in tackling difficult questions. The lessons were fun and enjoyable as he uses real life examples to explain certain concepts. He also tends to brighten up the class mood by trying to crack jokes or share the real life experiences he has gone through. Thanks to Mr Kong, I have greater confidence in the subject I once almost lost hope in.”
“The effective teaching techniques and engaging lessons pulled me up quickly and I eventually managed to obtain an A1 for my year-end Preliminary Examinations 3 months later. Mr Kong makes lessons very interesting and its the first time that I actually looked forward to going to tuition! 🙂 I myself am surprised that I could jump so many grades in a short period of time with his help. Mr Kong is also very humorous and never fails to brighten up the mood of the class.”
“The teachers have been able to teach the concepts in a way that is a lot simple and easy to grasp. This makes the subject a lot more fun and easier to understand. The many questions and quizzes/tests given were very helpful in helping me track my progress. Overall, joining Concept First Physics Tuition has made me a lot more confident in the subject!”
“After attending Concept First’s class for just 2 months, I find that I am starting to be more confident and regained the faith in myself as all the fundamentals which I previously failed to grasp are now made clear. The entire learning experience is simply unforgettable and has made me believe in the impossible and to have the courage to challenge myself.”
Read the testimonial of Leong Jing Wen’s parent here.
“I usually dread Physics in school, but after attending the lessons at Concept First, I have developed more interest in it. Mr Kong has taught me how to think beyond the box which helped me in understanding the concept of Physics better. I have even applied this knowledge to things in real life and learned to appreciate them better. Thank you Mr Kong for making Physics fun!”
“When I first joined the tuition in July, I was inevitably scared that I had to put in lots of hard work to improve since my foundation for Physics was not solid and it was only a few months away from my O Levels. However, the learning tools and lessons planned were both effective and efficient in helping me to understand the concepts that I previously did not understand. Furthermore, my tutor constantly motivates me and is always very patient with any questions that I had clarified. Thank you for making Physics such an awesome subject!”
“Great teachers, and a very nice and spacious environment to learn in. The teachers helped us to be able to fully grasp concepts and apply it to the challenging questions provided. I was able to pull my pure Physics grades up from an E8 to a B3 in just a span of a year. Definitely recommend, 10/10 .”
“Concept First’s lessons are extremely enriching because I am able to build upon and expand on what is taught in school. Moreover, the lessons strengthen my foundation on weaker chapters such as electricity and magnetism. Through demonstrations in class, I am able to understand concepts better instead of memorising information to regurgitate them during examinations. Unlike school teachers, Mr Kong views questions through students’ perspectives and explains them using a step-by-step approach. Mr Kong’s ability to teach difficult questions has made me realise that Physics is not that complicated a subject.”
“I enjoy his explanations as Mr Kong draws out and uses coloured inks which helps us to memorise the content easily. The one page summary, formula sheet, and explanation sheet were beneficial as it saves time and I do not need to read through the whole textbook before exams. I can refer to the one page summary while doing questions. He has a funny personality which makes the lessons much more interesting.”
“Concept First has greatly enhanced my understanding in the subject. Physics is one of the subjects I disliked the most because my teacher had never really taught us about the application of concepts and simply read what was in the textbook. I joined the class considerably late in April of Sec 4 with faint understanding of the subject, but after attending the March holidays revision classes and attempting the extra practice questions given, I can confidently say that all my doubts for the Secondary 3 topics that I was very confused about has been cleared and Physics seems more bearable and enjoyable. Thank you Concept First!”
“Tuition is good. Very organised, good notes, good practice, lots of good questions given, explanation is very in depth and clear a lot of demonstration. After all chapters have been taught, worksheets of previous chapters were given to ensure that we remembered everything. Tests were given for each chapter and overall paper 2 given too. Real world context questions were given too. Coloured notes provided that include all the formulas, definitions, chapter summaries and answering techniques were provided.”
“I always enjoy Mr Kong’s classes. He explains concepts very well and sometimes add in interesting facts that help to deepen my interest and broaden my knowledge. Mr Kong is a friendly and approachable teacher whom I can turn to when I need help with my Physics. Mr Kong sometimes makes us laugh with his funny comments and jokes and this livened up the class. Thank you very much, Mr Kong for being my tutor.”
“Concept First’s classes are very engaging. The tutors explain very clearly, using keywords to help me understand the different topics better. The 2-page summary and revision worksheets are instrumental in helping me improve quickly, as they are easy to understand.”
“Lessons with Mr Kong were fun and engaging. I learnt so much about Physics and improved. Mr Kong delivers his lessons clearly with much understanding. The lessons are well-planned and he maximises the time we have every lesson to ensure that every student understands. I enjoy all of the lessons. Mr Kong relates well with me and I feel comfortable to talk with him and clarify my doubts in certain topics.”
“Nearing to exams, I was able to dish out what was required as the information was in-build in my head. Thanks Concept First!”
“The concepts that are being shared with the class is easy to understand and straight forward. Felt more confident when applying the concepts learned during school exams. Highly recommend the practical lab workshop as it enables students to be more confident and assured during school lab practices and the actual ‘O’ level practical examination.”
“Mr Calvin Kong is a friendly and humorous teacher who is able to make Physics an enjoyable subject. During lessons, he tries to ensure that everyone is able to keep up with him, so that no one feels lost. For the blander aspects of Physics, he spices them up with links to our daily lives. And for some of the tougher chapters, he goes through them in greater detail with many helpful drawings. I have had fun learning under him.”
“Mr Kong is a very approachable and friendly tutor who is patient and detailed when explaining new or challenging concepts to students. He would never hesitate to answer queries during lesson and is willing to sacrifice time after lessons to go through students’ school test paper or worksheets to clear their doubts. Lessons are filled with miniature experiments, tons of drawings and diagrams as well as computer simulations and videos to boost students’ understanding and interest in the subject and topic. When I first joined, Physics was boring and monotonous to me and naturally, I did not perform well in school for the subject. Concept First’s notes and worksheets were able to break down concepts of topics into their simplest forms, allowing me to pick up concepts very quickly and even breeze through challenging questions. This also made Physics much more fun and exciting as I truly understood the concepts within instead of relying on memory work and regurgitation. I am truly appreciative of Mr Kong’s help in my great improvement in the subject. Thank you Mr Kong!”
“Mr Kong is the best Physics teacher I have ever met (no lie). He is not just a great Physics teacher, but he can be a friend when you need it, and he gives us life advice too. I managed to push my Physics grade from a horrible C6 to an A2 during prelims, and hopefully an A1 for O levels. Couldn’t have done it without him!”
“Mr Kong has helped me understand the concepts, enjoy and appreciate Physics much more than before. From a student who hardly understand barely any Physics concepts to one who is able to now achieve distinction, I truly think Mr Kong has helped me a lot.”
“I really hated Physics in Secondary 3 and 2 and I did not understand a majority of the concepts taught in school. I really needed tuition but I could not figure out which tuition centre would be the best pick. That’s when my Chemistry tutor and school mate recommended Concept First’s classes to me. I really never thought I would ever like Physics but surprisingly I started liking the subject more as I begin to have a better understanding of the concepts. I first attended the intensive revision classes and it proved to be extremely helpful thus I decided to continue with the regular classes to improve further. I have seen such a huge improvement in my grades and I am really grateful for Mr Calvin Kong as he really knows how to ensure every single student in the class understands not only the topic but even a specific question. He preampts what all doubts we many have on the topic and addresses them before we could even ask. I am really grateful that I joined the tuition centre.”
“Really helped me understand the subject better and cleared out parts I had questions about.”
“Mr Kong has good mastery of Physics and is extremely approachable and supportive. His teaching style suits different types of students with different capabilities. He has certainly given the motivation and support needed for me to give my best for this subject. He is the best teacher I have met who gives in optimal effort to make lessons enjoyable and efficient. He has also proven to be one of the best tutors in the market in helping 90% of students attain As over the years. When I joined his tuition centre in 2017, I had a grade of F9 and within 2 months, he helped me pull my grades up to an A2! I would definitely recommend the future batch of students to have faith in Mr Kong’s methodology.”
“The Physics lessons are enriching and engaging. The summary notes provided are especially good as they provide key information which you can look through again once before the examination to refresh your memory. The explanations are also clear which helps clear up your misunderstandings and you will definitely see your Physics grades improve.”
“I joined Concept First from the very beginning, in January of Sec 3. The teachers have been making a lot of effort to improve the lessons, such as providing notes like the formula sheet, 2 page summary, and explanation sheet which helped me revise efficiently and also quickly remember the facts for my exams. Moreover, the lessons are engaging and fun. This allows me to ask any questions I have without the need to hesitate.”
“I joined Concept First’s tuition centre when I was in secondary 3. I was getting B4 for Physics and failing class tests most of the time. However, with the help of Mr Kong, I gradually improved. I finally achieved A1 for Physics in my final GE2 examination so I am very grateful that I was able to join this tuition centre. The notes and worksheets are always improving and are of very high quality. I definitely recommend Concept First’s tuition to anyone interested in improving their Physics subject. The class is also engaging as he has different types of toys to show the Physics concepts, making it really easy to digest difficult concepts.”
“Mr Calvin delivers his lessons using effective methods which had helped me recalled key concepts that I had struggled remembering in the past. He ensures that all students actively participate during lessons by making it fun. He fuels my drive to learn and set new benchmarks for myself to do better. I believe that Mr Calvin is able to continue inspiring further batches of students.”
“After going for this tuition, my grades for Physics shot up drastically from F9 to B3. Notes are very concise and concepts are well explained. The practice booklets together with the summaries and formula sheets helps to push our grasp of the subjects quickly!”
“Mr Kong cultivated in me the drive to achieve even better results. His clear and detailed explanations has heightened my ability to comprehend and solve Physics problems more accurately. He has successfully managed to radiate his passion for the subject and encourage fruitful endeavours. As a motivated and caring teacher, he reaches out in a myriad of ways to engage his students to obtain optimal learning and even beyond the confinements of the classroom. Thanks to him, I have never been more confident to embark my journey to O levels. =)”
“One word to describe Concept First – brilliant! After attending their lessons, my passion, confidence and interest for the subject has grown tremendously. The intriguing live demonstrations had really helped me grasp difficult and confusing concepts that I was unable to understand in school. The notes are also well-crafted such that it breaks down each chapter into 2 to 3 sub-topics, making each chapter more digestible for students. They also ensures that they cover everything in the syllabus, leaving me with the peace of mind that I am well-prepared for my examinations. To end it off perfect, they provides us with their famous, concise 2-Page Summary that has made self-revision much easier and efficient.”
“Concept First uses very innovative and interactive ways to teach in class. The lessons are fun to attend, and they made me like Physics more. I can already see an improvement in my grades after attending classes for 2 months. I’ll definitely recommend them to my schoolmates and friends!”
“Being someone who finds no interest in Physics, I found it hard to do well and eventually lost the motivation to try and understand the topics or even to listen in class. Mr Calvin Kong has his ways to relate Physics to common activities in daily lives. This not only strengthened my concepts but also gave me the motivation to give my best as I finally understood the topics. His patience and encouragement and love for the subject has really shined through during the short few months with him. So thank you Mr Calvin Kong!”
“Mr Kong is an approachable and patient teacher. Under his guidance, I managed to have a deeper understanding of topics and concepts which were difficult to understand. I also gained a lot of confidence to attempt Physics questions and getting it correct. After attending Physics class, I could grasp the foundation of each topic better. He always tries to ensure that we understand Physics concepts and answers all our enquiries. Even though I enrolled into his class at the last minute, I was able to gain sufficient help and benefitted greatly from his lessons.”
“The teachers, especially Mr Kong, have always been very approachable. He has also made Physics more enjoyable and easier to understand.”
“I entered the tuition centre hoping to improve my Physics. My score during Sec 3 mid years was a horrendous F9. I expected nothing much from this tuition and just wanted my score to be raised to a C6 or C5. However, Concept First’s lessons were really interesting! The two page summary for every chapter were really effective. The worksheets given in class helped me to understand chapters better. Most importantly, their lessons were never boring, in fact, they got me interested in Physics! My grades then improved by at least 5 grades by the end of the mid terms in Sec 4. I definitely recommend Concept First!”
“Before I joined Concept First, I had zero confidence in Physics. Shortly after joining, my Physics knowledge expanded. I could do questions that I couldn’t do before and this made me more confident in my Physics.”
“Mr Calvin Kong is a tutor who is passionate about teaching. He is able to deliver concepts in a very clear and concise manner. His friendly and positive attitude makes him very approachable. He makes Physics more understandable and enjoyable which strengthened my interests in the subject.”
“I was not doing very well for Physics when I first started at Concept First and it was not one of my favourite subjects. However, through the lively and interactive lessons, I developed an interest in Physics. My grades improved tremendously as well. Mr Kong goes the extra mile to ensure that we have adequate materials to achieve our best potential. He is the best Physics teacher anyone could ask for!”
“Thank you for all the time you have spent on teaching me. It has been really fun and enjoyable for me. Even though I have only been with you for 3 months only, I have learnt a lot. I started out without really understanding all the different concepts. However because of you have understood many things. Thank you!”
“Thanks for teaching me, although the time we spent together hasn’t been long. I appreciate the efforts you put into helping me. Your lessons have been fun and engaging and I have been able to clarify most of my doubts with you. Your summary notes are really helpful too!”
“I have benefitted and improved a lot after joining this class. The lessons conducted were very informative and detailed so that everyone in the class is able to understand and acquire the skills needed. Mr Kong is able to clear all my doubts and even show examples and demonstrations to enable me to understand the questions better. The summary notes given was also extremely helpful and lessons were enjoyable.”
“Concept First reinvigorated my passion for Physics after having lost it. Despite having been with them for only a few months before O Levels, I have felt a higher level of understanding in my Physics knowledge. The only regret I have with me would be not joining their class sooner.”
“I started as a very weak student in Physics and during the December holidays I went for the crash courses for the individual chapters which really helped me better understand the chapters better and boosted my confidence in Physics. During my subsequent tests, I improved significantly and panicked much less during the tests. The materials provided by this tuition centre is very concise and easy to understand, this allowed me to grasp the concepts much faster and know the learning objectives of each chapter clearer. Having the information at the tip of my fingers enabled me to answer questions quickly and accurately. Mr Kong always does his best to make the best materials for us to enhance our learning.”
“Concept First Physics is a great learning centre and has helped me boost my confidence when doing Physics! The lesson materials are very understandable and caters to our learning demands. I’ve used them widely in my revision for my End of Year exams and O Levels as well!”