Diagnostic Consultation
The o-levels Physics (6091) Syllabus comprises of 22 Chapters. Calvin Kong had identified that each chapter consists of 2 to 3 key focuses, totaling up to 53 for the entire syllabus. Each year, the o-level examination papers are set to cover at least 48 of these key focuses.
Just like in any case, quick progress begins with knowing one's own strengths and weaknesses. In this 30 minute Diagnostic Consultation, he will scrutinize your examination paper to read your thoughts process, highlight your competency level of every focus, and give advice on how to plan a proper and efficient revision plan.
Quick Facts about Calvin Kong
100% of Calvin Kong's students achieved either a distinction (A1 or A2) and/or a minimum 3 grade jump as compared to their most recent school assessment prior to joining his classes.
Calvin Kong was one of the 0.75% of 32 000 MOE Teachers who was trained by American Teaching Experts from Massachusetts and California in the Skillful Teaching Enhanced Mentoring (STEM) Programme.
Former MOE Senior Teacher for Physics (12 years Experience)
Concept delivery, Retention and Consolidation of Content , Examination Strategies.
Wide range of learning resources, research proven pedagogy and differentiated instruction technique allows students to learn at own optimal pace.
Had taught students from all corners of Singapore ranging from Yishun Town Sec (North), PLMGS (North-East), Anglican High School (East), MGS and SCGS (Central), Nan Hua High School (West), Swiss Cottage Secondary School (North West) and many more.